“Independent Without Borders: Poland in Japan” is a Polish-Japanese artistic project which encompasses a Polish-Japanese performance co-production entitled “(Re)verberations. Bridges Between Poland and Japan” dir. Katarzyna Pastuszak, drama workshops and performative reading based on two plays written by Polish female coming from the publication “Of Feminine Gender. Anthology” (ed. dr hab. Agata Chałupnik, dr Agata Łuksza), masterclasses, lectures, meetings and presentations promoting Polish art and culture. The main part of the project will take place in Japan in the period 13.09-8.10.2019 in Sapporo, Tokyo and Akita.
The co-production “(Re)verberations. Bridges Between Poland and Japan” dir. Katarzyna Pastuszak will be developed in co-operation between Polish artists from Amareya Theatre & Guests and women from Ainu Women Association. The premiere performances will be presented in Studio Concarino in Sapporo (28.09), Babylon Tokyo Theatre (5–6.10) and a pre-premiere will also be shown at the Akita Village Art Festival at Kamaitachi Museum, Tashiro (21.09). The project will also encompass the publication and promotion of the book “Broniś Piłsudski, or How to Become Famous in the Far East” (author: Katarzyna Nowak; translation into Japanese: Miho Iwata; illustrations: Paulina Paździera). The Polish version of the book about the famous Polish ethnographer - Bronisław Piłsudski - was published in 2018 by Manggha Museum of Japanese Art and Technology in Cracow. This year Manggha Museum is a key partner of the project “Independent Without Borders: Poland in Japan” and its Deputy Director – Katarzyna Nowak will also visit Japan together with Amareya Theatre & Guests to lead a workshop and present a lecture on the extensive project devoted to Bronisław Piłsudski realized by Manggha Museum.
Through co-operating with Japanese artists and promoting the brother of Marshal Józef Piłsudski – Bronisław Piłsudski and his research on the Ainu, the project is part of the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of signing diplomatic agreements between Poland and Japan, celebrations of the 100th anniversary of Poland’s regaining independence, priorities of Polish cultural policy aimed at promoting the image of Poland as a country that is particularly concerned about cultural heritage and supporting indigenous ethnic minorities, as well as the priorities of Polish diplomacy for 2019. The project involves a close cultural exchange between the people of Ainu and the Polish artistic community represented by dr Katarzyna Pastuszak, Amareya Theatre & Guests who have been implementing projects in co-operation with Japanese partners for many years. Starting from critical ethnography, the implementation of the Polish-Japanese co-production “(Re)verberations. Bridges Between Poland and Japan” aims to pay special respect for the Japanese and Ainu social and cultural contexts. The aim of this work is to preserve and disseminate the cultural heritage, decolonize ethnic minorities and strengthen the position of women by making their voice (narrative) and subjectivity visible. The partnership of Amareya Theatre & Guests with CEMiPOS, Ainu Women Association Sapporo and Japanese institutions dealing with the issues of cultural heritage protection, decolonisation and women’s empowerment is particularly important here.
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